الأربعاء، فبراير 16، 2005

LoYaC CreaTiVe Exhibition 2o05


Dalal And Fajer's Work

My Work " Commercial photography"

هناك 4 تعليقات:

MASS يقول...

death to mcdees
and stark bucks supporters of israel and the so called new world order

no offense Eva:P

Sou يقول...

That's some really good work!! I liked the McDonalds one. I mean, u're right there's a feakin McDonalds everywhere we turn!!! ARGH!

بومريوم يقول...

nice work eva

ya reet you show us more
وين مكان المعرض؟

Eva يقول...


La7ul ellah , mmm 9irt 3amela 9ehyoneha;p ?

i wrote ur nickname , didn't copy it , u wasted my time "j.k"
Thanks For Ur Comment : )

بو مريوم
المعرض كان قبل اسبوع في بيت لوذان
It's Over Now Lil Asf,